Representative Special Investigations and Covert Surveillance operations

  • Corrupt business owners and political elites in Europe, Eurasia, the Caucasus, Turkey, Russia, and MENA
  • Eurasian, Balkan, Middle Eastern, Asian and European Transnational Organized Crime
  • Large scale European cargo and fuel theft incidents
  • European animal rights extremist groups and violent far-right and far-left groups
  • A Scientology-related investigation
  • Violence against attorneys
  • Bitcoin attack investigations (plus security guidance/training related to brutal extortions and home invasions, frequently carried out by violent, European gangs)
  • A significant violation of environmental laws posing threats to human health and the environment
  • Investigations into bullying, abuse of power, intimidation and sexual harassment
  • Sensitive investigation related to the Roman Catholic Church
  • Most Wanted investigation (pedophilia related)
  • Radical, political Islam / Salafi Movement and Mosques (Europe)
  • Seeking answers (for closure) for Holocaust survivors and their families
  • Smuggling of illicit goods (criminal groups manufacture and sell a wide range of illicit goods and medicines, putting consumers at risk)
  • Test Purchasing/Market Studies (to counter parallel imports, and trade in counterfeit and pirated goods) in countries with semi-authoritarian or authoritarian regimes
  • The investigation of ethical issues during an investigation conducted by a private investigator (e.g. creating/planting evidence, lying in reports, lying to interviewees and to their client)
  • Unexplained wealth investigations