Our September 23, 2021 Webinar (“What you should know about the new Chinese Export Control Law”, and “European Union: What you should know about the new EU Dual-Use Regulation”) was a great success!
- Global Trade and Compliance (GTAC) (Washington, DC) Arthur Roy
- CREYDT LAW (Germany) Matthias Creydt/Bea Trenner
- BenninkAmar (The Netherlands) Yvo Amar/Tomasz Kodrzycki
- Jacobson Burton Kelley (Washington, DC) Michael Burton
We had 145 registrants and an attendance rate of 70%, including 52 attendees from the USA and 53 from Germany. All other registrants are based in other European countries, in Canada, Australia, India, and in the UK.
If you’d like to receive a free copy of the three presentations, please let us know.